An Abbreviated 2024 Year In Review
When people ask us what we photograph, our typical response is commercial and editorial photography, because most of what we do can be explained in one of those two categories. However, no categories can sum up the relationships we have built, the projects we have worked on and the fun we get to have when we get behind a camera.
2024 was full of adventures and new things. Life threw us some curveballs and we became painfully good at schedule Tetris and the art of the pivot, but we have had a lot of fun working with long-time clients, meeting new ones, photographing in the most random of places (like that one time Chelsea had to drive a boat…) and collaborating on so many projects that have already happened or are in the works for the future. Some of the work we’ve created has ended up on movie posters and in magazines, while some will never go beyond the client’s servers. Either way, we are grateful for the work we get to do, the people we get to do it with and the time we get to spend creating as a family.
We had high hopes of creating an extensive Year In Review post, but we made a decision to take a little break at the end of the year to spend time with family and catch up on life. So here are just a few behind-the-scenes shots of some projects we’ve worked on this year. By no means is this a full list of what we’ve been able to capture this year, but it’s just a small glimpse into the little world we’ve created.
As we kick off 2025, we are also excited for #100Coffees: 100 More and would love to grab coffee with you!
Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning, you’re new around here or you land somewhere in the middle, thanks for being a part of the journey with us!