Stock images are all over the place. Whether you know it or not, you see stock photos used everywhere. It’s incredibly helpful to be able to purchase an image to use on social media, in an advertisement or on your website. You can usually search for very specific things and usually get something usable. But wouldn’t it be great to have a library of your own stock content? How much better would it be to have Steve from HR in your photo instead of some random guy from the internet? Enter CustomStock.

CustomStock is a collection of stock images for your business featuring your people in your spaces in your community for use on website, social media, newsletters, print, email, billboards, etc. We curate a library of content for you to use that fits with who you are as a company, rather than trying to find something that might work. Why put a square in a round hole when you can make something fit perfectly? The content we create will be yours to use, without fear of seeing the same content used by a competitor.

It’s also a great way to connect with your team. We usually spend an entire day (or a few) creating your content and you get a chance to spend time together as a team, whether in a professional setting or a social happy hour. We connect with you ahead of time to map out the best spaces and shots that represent your company, and then all you have to do is show up and let us capture the day!

Want to learn more? Check out the galleries below and reach out with any questions on our contact page.

Click on the images below to see a small sample of each CustomStock Gallery!